Virtuous Bread
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HOW TO: Make Your Own Brown Sugar

Did you know that most brown sugar that we buy is actually just white sugar that's been caramelised to look brown? Here I tell you how to make your own real brown sugar with molasses (which contains vitamins and iron)!

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HOW TO: Roll Your Garlic Bread Into Buns


450 g white wheat flour
2 g instant OR 4 g dry OR 8 g fresh yeast
200 g milk heated to boiling point and let cool down
50 g butter, cubed
30 g sour cream or yoghurt
9 g salt

For filling:
50 g soft butter
1 garlic clove, finely minced
25 g grated parmesan cheese
3 large tablespoons chopped parsley or coriander

Egg wash:
1 egg beaten with 1 tsp water and pinch of salt


Measure flour in a bowl and make a well. Measure in yeast and pour over milk. Let sit for 15 minutes to let yeast dissolve.
Add salt, sour cream, and butter and knead well for 10 minutes.
Let rise 1 hour at room temp.
Shape the buns (see video).
Let rise on baking tray for 45 minutes.
Heat oven to 220 C.
Glaze with egg wash and bake 15 minutes.
Allow to cool.

HOW TO: Bake Stuffed Bridge Rolls
HACK: Potato Peelers & How To Use Them

Do YOU know what the pointy bit on the top of your potato peeler is for? Many people don't!

RECIPE: Lentils & What To Do With Them!

Basic Recipe

2 sticks celery
2 carrots
1 small onion, cut in half
4 cloves garlic, peeled
300 g green lentils
1 square of nori seaweed about 5x5 cm
5 pepper corns
2 tablespoons of dry mixed herbs OR a big pinch each of dried:

  • basil, bay, sage, tarragon, thyme, oregano, rosemary
    Generous pinch of salt

Put everything in a large saucepan and cover with at least 3-4 cm of water. Bring to the boil and then simmer for 20-30 minutes until the lentils are soft.

*you can substitute tinned lentils, just drain them and put them in the pan with everything else.

Once they are done, remove the celery, carrots, onion, and seaweed and discard. You have taken all the flavour and nutrients out of them.

Once you have made your basic lentils you can eat them as is with some rice or barley or potatoes (more plants!) or you can take them one step further. Here are some examples:

1. Go red

Sautee one small onion and 3-4 chopped tomatoes (a tin will do) in 2 tablespoons olive oil for 5-7 minutes or ...

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RECIPE: Licuados / Smoothies


First a note. There are at least three ways of making juice out of fruit and veg. The juicer, the squeezer, and the blender.

1. The juicer and the squeezer. Every dietician and nutritionist I know, despises both the juicer and the squeezer. They extract the liquid from the fruit/veg and leave behind all the fibre. Fiber is very good for you, so as far as nutrition goes, the juicer/squeezer are big fails in much of the nutrition community. That being said, if you love your juicer/squeezer, I am not going to judge you.

2. The blender. Some nutritionists hate fruit. They advise not eating fruit at all for various reasons (hormone imbalance, too much sugar, bad for weight control and metabolism control). If your nutritionist hates fruit or if you hate fruit, this section is not for you.

Licuado is the Mexican name for a smoothie. They can be made with water or milk (or substitute dairy) and I prefer mine with water. Given we should be drinking a lot of water, this is a good way to get 1/2 litre of water or so ...

RECIPE: Garlic Bread


450 g white wheat flour
2 g instant OR 4 g dry OR 8 g fresh yeast
200 g milk heated to boiling point and let cool down
50 g butter, cubed
30 g sour cream or yoghurt
9 g salt

For filling:
50 g soft butter
1 garlic clove, finely minced
25 g grated parmesan cheese
3 large tablespoons chopped parsley or coriander

Egg wash:
1 egg beaten with 1 tsp water and pinch of salt


Measure flour in a bowl and make a well. Measure in yeast and pour over milk. Let sit for 15 minutes to let yeast dissolve.
Add salt, sour cream, and butter and knead well for 10 minutes.
Let rise 1 hour at room temp.
Shape the buns (see video:
Let rise on baking tray for 45 minutes.
Heat oven to 220 C.
Glaze with egg wash and bake 15 minutes.
Allow to cool.

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